Channel: Bhavani The Laughter
Category: Entertainment
Tags: exams ka mausamcomedy videohindi comedyschool comedyexams funny videoexam comedyamit comedyboard examsexam hall comedyschoolboard exams pressurefunny comedyexam comedy videoexam stand up comedystudents during examscomedytelugu comedystand up comedycomedy videosexamthe examsexamssupple examsexam comedy tamilexam result comedym1 exam comedy teluguevery exam storytelugu comedy videos
Description: Ye last video ke age ki kahani hai about my cool friend, dekho or enjoy karo... Please join me on Instagram: Email: Acha lage to like, share or subscribe jaroor karna. Credits: Shot by: Ankita Sharma & Deepak Sharma Written by: Anoop Singh Bisht & Bhavani Shankar Edited & Performed by - Bhavani Shankar special thanks to Radhya #BhavaniTheLaughter #BhavaniShankarComedy #standupshow #newstandupcomedy #standupcomedian #standupcomedyindia #newcomedyvideo #newfunnyvideo